Reshaped by Truth

Reshaped by Truth

from $19.99

Reshaped by Truth is not another self-help book, but a life-giving model that uses truth-telling to help you realize your purpose and your path. Just imagine…no more walking aimlessly in circles or standing paralyzed with fear. Lisa C. Williams takes you on a transformational journey to the “you” you’ve been waiting for with her ABCs of living intentionally.

Order your copy today.

Lisa C. Williams
Living in Wholeness 

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“Lisa’s approach to Self-Care is fresh, authentic, and spiritually powerful. She peels the onion with precision and gets to the heart. No hiding behind excuses allowed. Clearly the best approach to Self-Care I have ever experienced!”

Marsha Sampson Johnson
Retired SVP, Human Resources
Southern Company

"Lisa is a rarity, an extraordinary coach for coaches. 'Physician heal thyself,' when one is wise enough to heed that advice, one comes to Lisa.

Lisa is a coach of courage, having the insight to see into my core essence and the unique ability to support me on a journey of introspection . . . one that uplifts me to access my own courageous answers. In the coaching process, Lisa dares differently with the end result that we can optimally identify and own our choices . . . and our destiny."

Sharon J. Simpson-Joseph, Esq.
WINGS Coaching & Strategic Consulting

“Lisa’s personal transformation and self-care guidance prevented me from taking my life. Lisa saw me in all of my emotional and physical pain from across the room, as those standing next to me, looked straight through me, as if I was invisible. Lisa, thank you. Because of your keen insight and self-care intervention on that day, my mother did not have to plan a funeral for her eldest daughter.” 

33 years old

"Little did I know that a chance introduction to Lisa Williams would evolve into her becoming my mentor, my coach, and most of all, my friend. Her brilliance and life experiences have uniquely shaped her perspective and how she helps you successfully engage life's most challenging issues.  Without question, Lisa should be your go-to person when you finally realize that life isn't a dress rehearsal, is more than a lifestyle, and requires intentionality to build resilient and impactful individuals, families, communities and a personal legacy with extraordinary results.”

Dr. Sherry
Clinical Psychologist, 
Author & Media Personality

“Reshaped by Truth provides a canvas for me to dream outside of the lines. Painted in bold colors. It impacts everything I do. Day Seven - Letter G, speaks to me loudly and compassionately. The quote on this page by James Altucher, "Your competition is not other people, but the time you kill", is essential especially during our current global pandemic. So, I wrote my own quote from this study of the letter 'G' and the word 'generate'... "TIME. Time is not promised to us. Therefore I use my time to "generate" more. More in less time. More happiness. More resources. More peace. More love. I generate more me. More you."

Keaver Brenai
Award-Winning Voiceover Actor and Singer

“It is a pleasure to write about the importance of this book and the value of the words that Lisa has brought together to inspire all of us. Having known and worked with Lisa, she brings a wealth of experience to support the growth of women and men who have experienced victimization and shame. However, her focus has always been to bring people through this process and reaffirm their integrity. As an entrepreneur and philanthropist, Lisa seeks to advance the best of the human spirit.  "Reshaped by Truth" is a testament to the journey of listening to our deeper selves and healing. I encourage each of you to take time to reflect, consider, and envision as you study the book and rediscover the truths that shape us individually and connect us as a people.”

Dr. Mary Lou Frank
Licensed Psychologist,
Co-Founder Transforming Mediation

"Lisa is a force of truth and light. To spend any time with her is to spend time elevating one’s self. Not only is her own life inspirational but she helps us all see and believe in the inspirational gifts we each possess. Her self care message is a perfect medley of tough love and gentle motivation. The first step to changing your life is to decide that you are truly ready. The next step should be calling Lisa."

Kelly Beaty Smith
Founder & President
Girl Power, Inc

“Lisa Williams is a champion for all of us, for those who need a champion and those who don’t realize they do until they’ve engaged with Lisa. She is a person who leads with a genuine spirit and an unplanned agenda and listens more than she speaks. This journal is a piece of Lisa that we all need. Thank you for giving us the gift of you through this beautiful Reshaped by Truth journal. “

Ms.Hill, M.S.W.
Assistant Professor

"Courageous, compassionate and intentional" are the words that come to mind when I think of Lisa Williams. I have benefited tremendously from her self-care example and her work. I highly recommend her to everyone regardless of age or stage. Being our best selves gives others permission to do the same.”

Nina R. Hickson, Esq.

“During our Women’s Retreat, Lisa masterfully led a workshop on Self-Care that went well beyond the typical self-care discussion that focuses on manicures and bubble baths. Lisa (brings) a new practical meaning to the “abundant life” that we have through Jesus Christ. Thank you Lisa, for your witness, your joy, your passion for life, it has truly touched, taught and inspired many to live differently, to live better, to live fully.”

Natosha Reid Rice
Associate General Counsel, Real Estate and Finance
Habitat for Humanity International

“Lisa’s journey has inspired me in ways nothing else could. Hearing her daily affirmation and encouragement challenged me to be my best version of myself. And so I began. I examined my lifestyle and health, conferred with my physician and incorporated Lisa’s healthy eating suggestions of thinking before I eat, including juicing as a daily practice and primarily consuming a plant-based diet. This practice provided an increased amount of energy and clarity. I have found my “dance” — my preferred choice of exercise, and I am running again. My intentional changes helped me to lose 20 pounds! I now know on a personal level, that Conscious Living at its core is self-care, and that it’s not hard or expensive. 

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your journey with me and encouraging me to begin my own."

Denise Chaney
Narratus Creative

"With such a compelling concept as the title Reshaped by Truth, how can one resist picking up the book?  This made a perfect gift for my adult daughter who has been struggling with her own life's journey for many years. The positive self-image messages Ms. Lisa Williams casts throughout her book make one feel as if they have a personal life coach."

J. Johnson